I Love Kit 1/35 M53 155mm Self-Propelled Gun Plastic Model Kit

I Love Kit 1/35 M53 155mm Self-Propelled Gun Plastic Model Kit



The M53 155 mm self propelled gun was designed to procure long-range fire support to allied positions while keeping pace with mechanized formations cross-country. It was adopted in 1952 for both the Army and Marine Corps, all made by Pacific Car & Foundry Company.

As the M55 was the same vehicle designed around a 155 mm howitzer, M53s were stadardized as M55s, but production stopped in 1956 and use mantained in Vietnam by the USMC until around 1969, but many more years with NATO countries such as Belgium and Turkey.

  • This kit consists of over 850 parts
  • Multi-directional slide moulded lower hull and turret
  • Photo-etched parts included
  • Model measures:
    • Length: 266.2mm   Width: 105.5mm   


Brand I Love Kit